Lloyds Banking Group plc LLOY Dividends

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Lloyds Banking Group’s dividend yield of 3.65% is lower than the average Finance company that issues a dividend. Lloyds Banking Group’s dividend payout ratio of 28.95% is at a healthy, sustainable level, below 75% of its earnings. Lloyds Banking Group’s dividend yield of 4.97% is higher than the average Financial Services company that issues a dividend. Lloyds Banking Group’s dividend payout ratio of 4,285.71% may not be sustainable.

what is the next lloyds dividend?

Lloyds Banking Group plc Optimized Dividend Chart

If you’re not sure which investments are right for you, please request advice, for example from our financial advisers. If you decide to invest, read our important investment notes first and remember that investments can go up and down in value, so you could get back less than you put in. In the last year, the dividend yield of Lloyds Banking Group (LLOY) was 5.51%, with an average of 4.72% over the last 5 years and 3.79% over the last 10 years. In Lloyds Banking Group, dividends are distributed on a semiannual scheme during April and August. The London Stock Exchange does not disclose whether a trade is a buy or a sell so this data is estimated based on the trade price received and the LSE-quoted mid-price at the point the trade is placed.

© 2024 Market data provided is at least 10-minutes delayed and hosted by Barchart Solutions. Information is provided ‘as-is’ and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice, and is delayed. To see all exchange delays xrp price today xrp live marketcap chart and info 2020 and terms of use please see Barchart’s disclaimer.

what is the next lloyds dividend?

What is the payout ratio of Lloyds Banking Group?

  1. The dividend is paid every six months and the last ex-dividend date was Aug 5, 2024.
  2. Lloyds Banking Group’s dividend payout ratio of 4,285.71% may not be sustainable.
  3. Lloyds Banking Group has an annual dividend of £0.029 per share, with a yield of 5.14%.
  4. During the last fiscal year, Lloyds Banking Group’s payout ratio was 33.60%, ensuring that profits are sufficient for dividends.
  5. Please log in to your account or sign up in order to add this asset to your watchlist.

Add Lloyds Banking Group plc to receive free notifications when they declare their dividends. The most recent change in the company’s dividend was an increase of $0.0086 on Thursday, July 25, 2024. Lloyds Banking Group’s most recent annually dividend payment of $0.0460 per share was made to shareholders on Friday, May 31, 2024. Lloyds Banking Group’s next annually dividend payment of $0.0546 per share will be made to shareholders on Friday, September 20, 2024. The most recent change in the company’s dividend was a decrease of GBX 0.78 on Thursday, July 25, 2024.

Lloyds Banking Group plc LLOY

All the information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as buying, selling, or any other type of investment advice. For 4 years, Lloyds Banking Group has paid dividends, increasing them each year for the last 2 years. Lloyds Banking Group has an annual dividend of £0.029 per share, with a yield of 5.14%. The dividend is paid every six months and the last ex-dividend date was Aug 1, 2024. Our website offers information about investing and saving, but not personal advice.

Financial advice

Lloyds Banking Group has a dividend yield of 4.94% and convert euro to swedish krona paid $0.15 per share in the past year. The dividend is paid every six months and the last ex-dividend date was Aug 5, 2024. Dividendpedia.com is not responsible for the displayed data, its accuracy, and its update.

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Enter your email address below to receive the DividendStocks.com newsletter, a daily email that contains dividend stock ideas, ex-dividend stocks, and the latest dividend investing news. Please log in to your account or sign up in order to add this asset to your watchlist. During the last fiscal year, Lloyds Banking Group’s payout ratio was 33.60%, ensuring that profits are sufficient for dividends. Historical dividends may be adjusted to reflect any subsequent rights issues Trendline trading strategy and corporate actions.






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